Some say that all roads lead to New York City. If you’re a naturalized citizen and resident of the city who never sleeps, you may have had quite a few sleepless nights if your family hasn’t been able to take the big leap with you to live in the Big Apple. Now that you’ve jumped through all of the hurdles that U.S. Immigration has had you jump over, you now have the power to help your loved ones do the same. Working with a seasoned New York City 1-130 lawyer can help you sponsor your loved ones and help them to also live the American dream.
Let us help you to sponsor your loved ones so you can be together in NYC as a family.
Lawful permanent residents of New York City can sponsor family members to immigrate to the United States. This is the first step toward legal residency and, if they choose to do so, citizenship. We’ve helped countless families reunite in NYC by guiding them through the process known as a Petition for Alien Relatives.
Let us help you navigate NYC’s somewhat complex Form I-130 today.
Once you’ve become a naturalized U.S. citizen of the United States or have obtained your green card, you have the power to petition for your family to join you. Keeping their family together is very important to many immigrants. Assisting your family with their immigration and permanent residence is just one of the many benefits of obtaining US citizenship. This is achieved by filing USCIS Form I-130 (Petition for Alien Relative).
Keeping the family together is of great importance to many who have emigrated to New York City. However, fears of filing the forms incorrectly or not knowing how to do so shouldn’t keep your family apart. Working with an experienced 1-130 attorney can help to ensure that your family can find a way to join you in the United States.
Making sure Form I-130 is correctly filed is important for maintaining family unity. Still, the process entails more than just typing in some data. Don’t take any risks by filing it incorrectly or leaving out required information or supporting documents. Errors and omissions can significantly slow down the process, keeping you and your family apart.
Here’s a look at the Petition for Alien Relative process:
James L. Robertson, a seasoned and highly trained immigration attorney with twelve years under his belt at USCIS, leads our team of compassionate visa and immigration experts. At MyImmigration, we prioritize your needs and streamline the entire Petition for Alien Relative or other immigration needs process. Here’s how our services are unique:
Keeping your family together is important. We understand the nuances of ever-changing U.S. immigration laws and visa requirements and are here to make the process as simple as possible. Avoid the common pitfalls in helping your family immigrate to New York City. Let our immigration legal experts guide you every step of the way.
Here’s an overview of how our process works:
Our easy-to-use process can help you save time and file the correct form or forms without feeling overwhelmed by the questions or forgetting to include any required supplemental documents. Our New York City immigration lawyers will ensure you’ve done everything correctly; if not, they’ll let you know how to correct them.
Once you’ve gained residency or citizenship in New York City, you can petition to have your immediate family members join you in living the American dream. Don’t let your fears of not understanding the process hold you back. MyImmigration is dedicated to simplifying the process of keeping your family together.
Schedule an appointment with a New York City I-130 attorney today.
Mailing Address
My Immigration LLC
265 N. Main St.
Ste. D #311
Kaysville, UT
84037-1471 is not affiliated with the USCIS or any government agency. One or more nonlawyers holds an ownership and financial interest in MyImmigration. Attorney James Robertson, President of MyImmigration, oversees all legal services provided at MyImmigration and also holds an ownership and financial interest in the company. Fees received by MyImmigration are shared by its owners after expenses are paid. All forms that can be completed online using our service are available as blank forms with written instructions for free from the USCIS. fees do not include any government application, biometric, filing, or other applicable third-party fees. Access to and use of the website are subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.